What is the /e/OS Installer?

  • The /e/OS Installer is a Chrome/Chromium web browser-based application that helps users install /e/OS on supported devices.

How do I install the /e/OS Installer?

  • You do not need to install the /e/OS Installer. It runs directly in the web browser on your PC.

Are there any specific browsers that I need to use?

  • Yes, it only works on Chrome-based web browsers because the /e/OS Installer requires WebUSB support.
  • An example of a Chrome-based web browser with default WebUSB support is Google Chrome. Support in browsers like Opera or Edge may depend on the version and may require additional configuration.

List of devices supported by the /e/OS Installer

  • The list of devices supported by the /e/OS Installer is available on the supported devices page. Simply use the search filter by selecting Search Option > Available through » /e/OS Installer to find compatible devices.

  • Additionally, /e/OS can be installed on over 200 devices using the command-line interface (CLI) method. For a complete list of supported devices and detailed installation guides, visit the /e/OS devices page.

How do I install the /e/OS build using the /e/OS Installer?

  • The instructions in the tool will guide you through the installation process.

Does the /e/OS Installer replace the /e/OS Easy Installer?

  • Yes, the /e/OS Easy Installer is now deprecated and in the process of being phased out. We will not update the Easy Installer code or resolve its bugs.

Why are more devices not supported by the /e/OS Installer?

  • The project is open for contribution from users with development skills. Please help us to increase the number of device supported by this tool.

I want to develop the source further. How can I help?

  • You can follow the contributing guide from the /e/OS installer repository.

Where do I report bugs in the /e/OS Installer?

  • You can report bugs in the /e/OS Installer here.