Caution: These instructions are only for Windows PC users.
Tip: The installation will wipe all data on your phone. Take necessary backups of your data if required.


  • The user can’t reboot to recovery or fastboot.


Warning: Ensure you download the latest stock ROM build specific to your country or location.


  1. Extract the zip.

  2. Launch MsmDownloadTool exe from the extracted zip.

  3. Set the user type as Other.

  4. Choose your variant from the Target box next to Enum button on the top left corner.

  5. Plug in your phone.

  6. Click start (So your device gets captured once its in EDL mode).

  7. Click on the volume buttons and the power button at the same time.

  8. Once the phone starts flashing leave the buttons and be careful not to unplug the device until flashing is done.

  9. After the flashing process is done your device will reboot, and your bootloader will be locked.